

CRRC Zhuji announced its plan to invest a local factory in Mexico .
À´Ô´£º×ªÔØ¡¡µã»÷Êý£º694´Î¡¡¸üÐÂʱ¼ä£º2021/5/20 10:29:19

CRRC Zhuji announced its plan to invest a local factory in Mexico .

-Original by Weilan rail


On May 11th,CRRC Zhuji announced that it will invest a local locomotive assembly plant in Mexico ,as its CRRC Zhuji¡¯s manufacturing center of its project in Latin America district.According to foreign media reports,The mentioned factory to be invested by CRRC Zhuji covering an area of 100 hectare,will offer  Mexico more than 5000 job opportunities . The plant will initially be built in the Mexican state of Veracruz or Tampico, a coastal city in the state of Tamaulipas.

Till now ,CRRC Zhuji has obtained 3 orders in Mexico,they are Monterey subway vehicle supplying,upgrading and renovation project for Mexico subway line1 and Mexico Tikat Tijuana intercity railway vehicles.

No panic facing at the epidemic

Referring to tender for Mexico Mayan train vehicle and signal system ,in April 2021,CRRC Zhuji sent a letter to Mexico president ,ministry of economic and foreign affairs department,and tender unit,hoping for no restriction for different countries in attending the tender,so that all bidding company will at the same bidding evolution level.At same time ,CRRC express its interesting in establishing local vehicle manufacture factory in Mexico.


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